Café Gourmet Don Benja - 100% Café Colombiano
CAFÉ DON BENJA, está orientado a los más exigentes consumidores y para aquellos que saben distinguir calidades, aromas, texturas y sabores. Nuestro aspecto diferencial es que llevamos al mercado un tipo de café especial para los que buscan una diferencia gastronómica. Solo los más selectos granos de café colombianos cultivados a 1.600 metros de altura, que respeten la naturaleza, regados con agua pura de manantiales serán dignos de ser un CAFÉ DON BENJA.
CAFÉ DON BENJA is a 100% Colombian coffee. We use only healthy green beans, which undergo roasting and grinding before being packed under a strict quality control process, to be then properly stored, shipped and distributed all over the world.
We specialize in the selection and processing of the highest quality Colombian coffee beans. Our products aim to satisfy national and international markets, while complying with the Colombian National Coffee Growers Federation standards at all times.
CAFÉ DON BENJA strives to please the most demanding consumers. Those who know how to appreciate quality, aroma, texture and flavor. We pride ourselves in knowing how to bring to the market a special type of coffee for those who seek a distinct gastronomic experience. By using only select Colombian coffee grains grown at 1,600 meters height and watered with spring pure water, we ensure a high quality CAFÉ DON BENJA coffee cup.

Cuerpo: Medio
Acidez: Media
Tostión: Media
Molienda: Media
Aroma: Floral y dulce
Perfil de taza: Balanceada
Productos: Tostado en grano, café molido
Presentaciones: 250, 500 gramos
Body: Medium
Acidity: Medium
Roast: Medium
Ground: Medium
Fragance: Floral and sweet
Cup profile: Balanced
Products: Whole bean, ground coffee
References: 14, 16 ounces
Nuestra Información
Nuestra Ubicación
- PBX: (572) 665 4500
- Email:
- Dirección: Cra. 39 #13-151, Acopi, Yumbo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia